- 14 Avril 2015
- 2 424
- 2 838
- 213
- 34
- Niveau
- 171
- Clan
- Aito
- Rang de Clan
- Membre
- Ligue
- Titan I
C’est avec regret que je vous annonce la fermeture du forum, qui avait ouvert ses portes le 31 décembre 2012. Après 12 ans d’existence, la diminution de la fréquentation du site me pousse à mettre un terme à cette belle aventure.
Le site va disparaitre à la fin du mois.
J’ai eu énormément de plaisir à soutenir cette communauté au fil des années, à échanger avec vous et à voir le forum évoluer grâce à votre passion et votre engagement.
Un immense merci à toute la communauté, ainsi qu’aux membres du staff, passés et présents, et aux différents partenaires, qui ont contribué à faire vivre cet espace d’échange et de partage.
🚀 Merci pour ces belles années et à bientôt, ailleurs !
Enfin, je vous invite à suivre le FP du topic de la MAJ sur le forum (In English) :
Alas... the time has come.
Update Radar: Not today.
The update is SUPER soon. OnCe I can naiL dOwN thE date for you guyS I will. I will be uPdating thE radar daily (hopefuLLy today was the last edit).
Last updated 21st of May.
Oui je suis comme un enfant quand il s'agit d'indice de ce genre![]()
The update is SUPER sooN. Oce I can nail down the date for you guys I will. I will be updating the radar daily (hopefully today was the last edit).
Moi aussi je vois des indices![]()
Ce qui qui a poster sa ?![]()
Hey Clashers, the wait is almost over!
Yesterday (Staturday) the 5th and final chapter of the Captain’s Log was finally revealed. As I leaked here before, there was nothing about about the update at all, they just have found new land.
The great news is that it is the Logs are now over, there are no more videos before the update.
Another great news, the official forum thread was updated:
NOT TODAY! The update will happen at any day now, probably tomorrow (Monday) or Tuesday. Save your resources to rebuilt the ship!
This is something we already knew, we will not have Sneak Peeks. We are going to receive the entire update directly, so it can happen at any day now.
iPhone and iPad users must have iOS 7 or higher to play the update. This is not entirely confirmed, but some foreign official accounts have been reposting an old Clash of Clans article that says Clash of Clans will eventually drop support do iOS 6 and lower one day. Well, that day is probably here.
iPad 1, iPhones 3GS and iPod Touch 3rd and 4th generation will no longer be able to play the game if this happens. If you have other Apple devices running iOS 6 or lower you will probably be asked to update your Operational System to download the update.
That’s it Clashers! Hopefully my next post here on House of Clashers will be after playing the update and finding out what is on the “other side”!
Clash on!
House of clasher c'est ecritCe qui qui a poster sa ?