Les dernières infos et rumeurs sur la MAJ de Mai(?) 2017. Toutes les infos en page 1

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7 Juillet 2015
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Champion II
Intox, le YouTuber qui a sorti ça n'est pas partenaire SC. I
De toute façon ça change rien, il va falloir des ressources dans tous les cas.
ok merci, je disais ça parce que j'ai pas mal de black et que je pourrais facile lancer des sorts noirs en amelio en attendant.... donc c'est ce que je vais faire!


23 Novembre 2015
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Chef adjoint
Si Lordval dit que ça va relancer la machine pour plusieurs années, je pense pas qu'on soit lassé en une semaine ;)


23 Juin 2016
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Aucun clan
je voulais l'avait dit on va arriver à ce que j'ai mis en idée et oui
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29 Janvier 2015
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Titan II
Page 348 du thread officiel, il y a 15 mn, le post de LachNessMeownster :

Hi, everyone! As promised I have compiled all my thoughts on this 'pre-update' time into one long post.

First and foremost, if you are reading this only because you want information on the coming update you can turn away now. My NDA with Supercell does not permit me to post any information about the update without permission. I cannot stress enough, this post is from my point of view, and is by no means an official statement. The goal of this post is to try and provide some insight into why the update has been handled this way from the eyes of someone who gets to see more than the average player.

Official Supercell hype began on the 3rd of May when the boat was brought into the game, with a link to a video suggesting there is something on the other side of the ocean. People may argue that the hype started quite some time before that, with various leaks, videos, and posts from well-known people in the community - of which I totally agree. These people were in no way asked, told or encouraged to post about/hype the update. The reality is, these 12 people who saw the update early were genuinely hyped and excited. This was the first anyone had seen of the long awaited update, and we were blown away by the size of it but also how totally unexpected yet refreshing it was to see.

Supercell knew how excited we would be. So much so, that they had a film crew in to catch our first reactions to opening up the new update. It didn't take long before word got around of this giant update that was coming, and the community was buzzing with excitement. The hype was created out of genuine excitement of what was to come, and not because Supercell enjoyed teasing its players.

The issue now is that it's been 3 weeks since the hype started and the hype is subsiding, and turning into "Just give us the darn update". With this being said, I want to touch on the importance of the hype - How and why Supercell created it after the boat was introduced into the game. I will talk more about this in the next section labeled "Captain's Log".

Captain's Log:
Supercell... Are... Smart. You simply cannot provide evidence to suggest otherwise. There is no way, in which a mobile game company can become a multi-billion dollar name unless they had some brains. What am I getting at here? They did their homework. They chose to reveal the update this way, rather than through the usual sneak peeks for a reason!

It's easy to often forget Supercell has access to a lot more data than we do. They are looking big picture, not forums picture.

  • This forum has 1,400,000 (20k active) users - of which around half are CoC players.
  • On March 7th, 2016 - Supercell announced they had 100,000,000 daily users (Clash Royale was still a baby). One can assume CoC is a huge chunk of them.
  • The forums do not accurately represent the community. It shows who the hardcore fans are, who the most dedicated are, those who truly have a passion for the game. But it does not make sense to make decisions solely off what the people here say.

It is unreasonable to think that the majority of people have been following the hype, or are even aware of the upcoming update. For them, they hype started with the captain's logs. So, why have captains logs instead of sneak peeks?

I believe the answer comes down to marketing. YouTube is about the biggest audience Supercell can get (78 million views on their 1-minute teaser is proof of this). I look at this update as almost a relaunch of Clash. With the amount of hyping going on, Content Creators who have long since abandoned CoC have returned to get in on the action. If Supercell can get YouTubers on board with this update, the audiences they reach will be far bigger than they can achieve with an in-game link.

What does all this achieve? New players & the return of old players.

Leaks & Rumors:
One thing Supercell prides itself on is being honest and fair. The truth is.. mistakes happen in real life. Sometimes you leave a picture of a boat in the game files which someone data mines, sometimes a picture is shared early. It happens - it would be inhuman if mistakes didn't happen. So I want to squash the rumor that Supercell has been deliberately leaking information in order to create hype. It simply isn't the Supercell way. Now, don't think of me as a fool, I know I am not going to convince everyone of that. You get a different perspective of things when you work close to them, when you meet them and when you understand them as I have.

The same goes with Content Creators. Deliberate leaks will be treated as such, but they understand sometimes things slip through editing (Looking at you Ashlain and your number of cards ). We are all human after all.

Closing thoughts:
I genuinely believe this update will reinvigorate the game for most. As with anything, there will always be people who disagree. I hate how this pre-sneak peek time has been handled. While I understand why Supercell plays things close to the chest, I also believe the hardcore fans who check this thread deserve better (2,000,000 thread views is a testament to the passion you guys have!). I hope that moving forward, Supercell will see fit to throw a few more bones to those on the forums and social medias. Of course, keep the main goodies of the update as a surprise. But hints such as that achievement I shared would be great.

It's not long now guys, and the wait is definitely worth it!

Thanks for your support,
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20 Octobre 2013
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Rang de Clan
Page 348 du thread officiel, il y a 15 mn, le post de LachNessMeownster :

Hi, everyone! As promised I have compiled all my thoughts on this 'pre-update' time into one long post.

First and foremost, if you are reading this only because you want information on the coming update you can turn away now. My NDA with Supercell does not permit me to post any information about the update without permission. I cannot stress enough, this post is from my point of view, and is by no means an official statement. The goal of this post is to try and provide some insight into why the update has been handled this way from the eyes of someone who gets to see more than the average player.

Official Supercell hype began on the 3rd of May when the boat was brought into the game, with a link to a video suggesting there is something on the other side of the ocean. People may argue that the hype started quite some time before that, with various leaks, videos, and posts from well-known people in the community - of which I totally agree. These people were in no way asked, told or encouraged to post about/hype the update. The reality is, these 12 people who saw the update early were genuinely hyped and excited. This was the first anyone had seen of the long awaited update, and we were blown away by the size of it but also how totally unexpected yet refreshing it was to see.

Supercell knew how excited we would be. So much so, that they had a film crew in to catch our first reactions to opening up the new update. It didn't take long before word got around of this giant update that was coming, and the community was buzzing with excitement. The hype was created out of genuine excitement of what was to come, and not because Supercell enjoyed teasing its players.

The issue now is that it's been 3 weeks since the hype started and the hype is subsiding, and turning into "Just give us the darn update". With this being said, I want to touch on the importance of the hype - How and why Supercell created it after the boat was introduced into the game. I will talk more about this in the next section labeled "Captain's Log".

Captain's Log:
Supercell... Are... Smart. You simply cannot provide evidence to suggest otherwise. There is no way, in which a mobile game company can become a multi-billion dollar name unless they had some brains. What am I getting at here? They did their homework. They chose to reveal the update this way, rather than through the usual sneak peeks for a reason!

It's easy to often forget Supercell has access to a lot more data than we do. They are looking big picture, not forums picture.

  • This forum has 1,400,000 (20k active) users - of which around half are CoC players.
  • On March 7th, 2016 - Supercell announced they had 100,000,000 daily users (Clash Royale was still a baby). One can assume CoC is a huge chunk of them.
  • The forums do not accurately represent the community. It shows who the hardcore fans are, who the most dedicated are, those who truly have a passion for the game. But it does not make sense to make decisions solely off what the people here say.

It is unreasonable to think that the majority of people have been following the hype, or are even aware of the upcoming update. For them, they hype started with the captain's logs. So, why have captains logs instead of sneak peeks?

I believe the answer comes down to marketing. YouTube is about the biggest audience Supercell can get (78 million views on their 1-minute teaser is proof of this). I look at this update as almost a relaunch of Clash. With the amount of hyping going on, Content Creators who have long since abandoned CoC have returned to get in on the action. If Supercell can get YouTubers on board with this update, the audiences they reach will be far bigger than they can achieve with an in-game link.

What does all this achieve? New players & the return of old players.

Leaks & Rumors:
One thing Supercell prides itself on is being honest and fair. The truth is.. mistakes happen in real life. Sometimes you leave a picture of a boat in the game files which someone data mines, sometimes a picture is shared early. It happens - it would be inhuman if mistakes didn't happen. So I want to squash the rumor that Supercell has been deliberately leaking information in order to create hype. It simply isn't the Supercell way. Now, don't think of me as a fool, I know I am not going to convince everyone of that. You get a different perspective of things when you work close to them, when you meet them and when you understand them as I have.

The same goes with Content Creators. Deliberate leaks will be treated as such, but they understand sometimes things slip through editing (Looking at you Ashlain and your number of cards ). We are all human after all.

Closing thoughts:
I genuinely believe this update will reinvigorate the game for most. As with anything, there will always be people who disagree. I hate how this pre-sneak peek time has been handled. While I understand why Supercell plays things close to the chest, I also believe the hardcore fans who check this thread deserve better (2,000,000 thread views is a testament to the passion you guys have!). I hope that moving forward, Supercell will see fit to throw a few more bones to those on the forums and social medias. Of course, keep the main goodies of the update as a surprise. But hints such as that achievement I shared would be great.

It's not long now guys, and the wait is definitely worth it!

Thanks for your support,


Salut à tous! Comme promis, j'ai compilé toutes mes réflexions sur ce temps de «pré-mise à jour» dans un long article. D'abord et avant tout, si vous lisez ceci uniquement parce que vous voulez des informations sur la prochaine mise à jour, vous pouvez vous détourner maintenant. Mon NDA avec Supercell ne me permet pas de publier des informations sur la mise à jour sans autorisation. Je ne peux pas assez souligner, cette publication est de mon point de vue et n'est en aucun cas une déclaration officielle. Le but de cette publication est d'essayer de donner un aperçu de la raison pour laquelle la mise à jour a été traitée de cette façon par les yeux de quelqu'un qui voit plus que le joueur moyen. Hype: Le supermarché officiel de Supercell a commencé le 3 mai, lorsque le bateau a été introduit dans le jeu, avec un lien vers une vidéo suggérant qu'il y a quelque chose de l'autre côté de l'océan. Les gens peuvent argumenter que le battage médiatique a commencé assez longtemps avant cela, avec diverses fuites, vidéos et publications de personnes bien connues dans la communauté - dont je suis totalement d'accord. Ces personnes n'ont jamais été invitées, racontées ou encouragées à publier sur la mise à jour. La réalité est que ces 12 personnes qui ont vu la mise à jour au début étaient réellement excitées et excitées. C'était le premier que tout le monde avait vu de la mise à jour tant attendue, et nous avons été éblouis par la taille de celui-ci, mais aussi combien il était totalement inattendu et rafraîchissant. Supercell savait combien nous étions excités. Dans la mesure où ils ont eu une équipe de cinéma pour prendre nos premières réactions à ouvrir la nouvelle mise à jour. Il n'a pas fallu beaucoup de temps avant que le mot ne se soit déroulé sur cette mise à jour gigantesque qui venait, et la communauté faisait vibrer d'enthousiasme. Le battage médiatique a été créé par une véritable excitation de ce qui était venu, et pas parce que Supercell a apprécié de taquiner ses joueurs. La question est maintenant que ça fait 3 semaines que le battage publicitaire a commencé et que le battage médiatique diminue et qu'il se transforme en «Donnez-nous simplement la mise à jour difficile". À ce propos, je tiens à souligner l'importance du battage médiatique - Comment et pourquoi Supercell l'a créé après l'introduction du bateau dans le jeu. J'en parlerai plus à ce sujet dans la section suivante intitulée «Relevé du capitaine». Journal du capitaine: Supercell ... Are ... Smart. Vous ne pouvez simplement pas fournir de preuves suggérant le contraire. Il n'y a aucun moyen, dans lequel une entreprise de jeux mobiles peut devenir un nom de plusieurs milliards de dollars sauf si elle avait des cerveaux. Qu'est-ce que je reçois ici? Ils ont fait leurs devoirs. Ils ont choisi de révéler la mise à jour de cette façon, plutôt que par le biais de sneak peeks pour une raison! Il est facile d'oublier souvent que Supercell a accès à beaucoup plus de données que nous. Ils ont l'air d'une grande image, pas d'une image de forum. Ce forum compte 1 400 000 utilisateurs (20k actifs) - dont environ la moitié sont des lecteurs CoC. Le 7 mars 2016 - Supercell a annoncé qu'ils avaient 100 000 000 d'utilisateurs quotidiens (Clash Royale était encore un bébé). On peut supposer que CoC est un gros morceau d'eux. Les forums ne représentent pas exactement la communauté. Cela montre qui sont les fans hardcore, qui sont les plus dévoués, ceux qui ont vraiment une passion pour le jeu. Mais il n'est pas logique de prendre des décisions uniquement sur ce que les gens disent ici. Il est déraisonnable de penser que la majorité des gens ont suivi le battage médiatique, ou sont même conscients de la mise à jour prochaine. Pour eux, ils ont commencé avec les journaux du capitaine. Alors, pourquoi les capitaines doivent-ils se connecter au lieu de regarder furtivement? Je crois que la réponse vient au marketing. YouTube est à propos du plus grand public que Supercell peut obtenir (78 millions de vues sur leur commentaire de 1 minute en est la preuve). Je regarde cette mise à jour comme presque une relance de Clash. Au fur et à mesure de l'hypnase, les créateurs de contenu qui ont depuis longtemps abandonné CoC sont revenus pour se lancer dans l'action. Si Supercell peut obtenir YouTubers à bord de cette mise à jour, le public qu'ils atteindront sera beaucoup plus grand qu'ils ne le peuvent avec un lien dans le jeu. Qu'est-ce que tout cela atteint? Nouveaux joueurs et le retour des anciens joueurs. Fuites et rumeurs: Une chose sur laquelle Supercell se targue d'être honnête et équitable. La vérité est ... des erreurs se produisent dans la vie réelle. Parfois, vous laissez une image d'un bateau dans les fichiers de jeu que quelqu'un démine, parfois une image est partagée au début. Il se produit - il serait inhumain si des erreurs ne se produisaient pas. Je veux donc écraser la rumeur selon laquelle Supercell a délibérément échappé des informations afin de créer un battage médiatique. Ce n'est simplement pas la manière Supercell. Maintenant, ne pensez pas à moi comme un imbécile, je sais que je ne vais pas convaincre tout le monde. Vous avez une perspective différente lorsque vous travaillez près d'eux, lorsque vous les rencontrez et quand vous les comprenez comme moi. Il en va de même pour Content Creators. Les fuites délibérées seront traitées comme telles, mais elles comprennent parfois que les choses glissent dans l'édition (en regardant Ashlain et votre nombre de cartes). Nous sommes tous humains après tout. Pensées de clôture: Je crois sincèrement que cette mise à jour redynamise le jeu pour la plupart. Comme avec n'importe quoi, il y aura toujours des gens qui ne sont pas d'accord. Je déteste la façon dont ce temps prévisualisé a été traité. Bien que je comprenne pourquoi Supercell joue les choses près de la poitrine, moi aussi
Croyez que les fans de hardcore qui vérifient ce fil méritent mieux (2,000,000 thread views témoigne de la passion que vous avez!). J'espère que, dans l'avenir, Supercell sera en mesure de jeter encore quelques os à ceux sur les forums et les médias sociaux. Bien sûr, conservez les principales nouveautés de la mise à jour comme une surprise. Mais des indices tels que la réalisation que j'ai partagée serait génial. Ce n'est pas long maintenant les gars, et l'attente en vaut vraiment le coup! Merci pour votre aide, Lachlan.
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6 Octobre 2015
Bon on apprends rien de plus, ce sont ceux qui veulent le savoir sans utiliser Google trad.
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