• 📢 Fermeture du forum – Une page se tourne 📢

    C’est avec regret que je vous annonce la fermeture du forum, qui avait ouvert ses portes le 31 décembre 2012. Après 12 ans d’existence, la diminution de la fréquentation du site me pousse à mettre un terme à cette belle aventure.

    Le site va disparaitre à la fin du mois.

    J’ai eu énormément de plaisir à soutenir cette communauté au fil des années, à échanger avec vous et à voir le forum évoluer grâce à votre passion et votre engagement.

    Un immense merci à toute la communauté, ainsi qu’aux membres du staff, passés et présents, et aux différents partenaires, qui ont contribué à faire vivre cet espace d’échange et de partage.

    🚀 Merci pour ces belles années et à bientôt, ailleurs !


Mise à jour d'Octobre 2018 : Clans War League


27 Aout 2015
Fiche du clan
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Rang de Clan
Chef adjoint
Ce qui serai bien c est qu'il modifie les recherches des cibles, pcq passer des heures a attendre un cible. A force c est relou. Et puis c'est pareil te prendre -57 alors que tu galère a monter pour prendre une poignet de tr c'est chiant.
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Reactions: Zoroooooooooo


30 Mars 2016
Rang de Clan
Et merde . Je comprends rien à l'anglais et y a pas les sous titres .....
Dernière édition:

Ahoo Mordor

Super génie
20 Decembre 2017
1 012
Fiche du clan
Egalement sur le forum Supercell, des questions posées pour lesquelles il n'y a pas de réponse dans la vidéo. Je l'ai laissé en anglais parce que google trad...

1. Where is the Dev Team at with regards to Clouds?
Answered in the Q&A video.

2. How does the Dev Team feel about revamping Friendly Challenges to be more user friendly?

We weren't really sure what the intention of this question was. If the question was directed at the cooldown functionality when editing your base, this is something we do not plan on changing for the sake of the competitive community.

We haven't felt the need to revamp or modify it because it allows members of the Community to host their own tournaments, Clash events, social gatherings, and allows them to challenge a Clan directly. But, like all things in the game, if we feel there is room for improvement we will definitely take a look. Also, if the community has suggestions on what can be improved please make sure to add it to the QoL thread!

3. Can we be confident there are no plans to shelve Clash of Clans anytime soon?

Answered in the Q&A video.

4. Why does the Builder Base Season reset cups to 4000?

We had originally set the reset to 3000. As the power level of the Builder Base increased due to the addition of new levels, we felt 5000 was too high. Even at Builder Hall 7 and newly upgraded Builder Hall 8, many of the players tend to hover between 3000 and 3500. We felt 5000 was TOO high of a reset level and that 4000 felt like a sweet spot. Reaching 4000 is a point that many don't make it to. Therefore, reaching 4000 was a nice pedestal to place your achievements on.

5. Will years past temporary troops ever make a full return?

If you mean they will be added as permanent units to the game, it’s highly unlikely. The reason we have fun doing seasonal troops is because we don’t have to worry (too much) about game balance. We do try to make sure they don’t tip the game too severely, but they’re largely put into the game for seasonal fun. We want them to feel special when a particular season comes around. Pumpkin Barbarians would seem out of place in the middle of March, no? As far as temporary troops making seasonal returns, we’ve had certain troops make encore performances before.

6. Is there any way that SC might consider increasing clan sizes in the future?

This is a difficult decision to make. On one hand, we see the benefits of increasing Clan sizes. Larger Clan Wars could be fun. However, there is the worry that it could cannibalize smaller Clans that are trying to recruit more people. There’s a balance to be made and it’s something we’re still discussing.

We have a very, very large Quality of Life improvement list of changes we are going through on a regular basis.

7. Do you have any plans on reworking the revenge feature to be usable at all levels?

Answered in the Q&A video.

8. How is SC planning on addressing the ‘end-game’ for players?

Answered in the Q&A video.

9. What are, if any, considerations to revise the Clan Castle concept?

Since the introduction of Town Hall 12, we’ve released the Siege Machines. This was a new way for deploying Clan Castle Troops and was one of the most radical changes to Troop deployment in a long while. We’ve also added the option to “sleep” your Clan Castle Troops as well. Finally, the UI has been changed to add Magic Items - which has evolved exclusively due to Community input! We will eventually add more Siege Machine options as well.

10. How will you keep a perfect balance between high and low level clans in the long term?

We have been evaluating how we can improve the Clan Perks system as well as looking at new social interactivity for Clans. We understand that the Clan is the underlying foundation of this game and we are looking at ways to improve and expand this social systems. We eventually would like to add additional Clan Perks; however, this is where we need to tread very carefully. We can't make the benefits so advantageous and so difficult to reach that smaller Clans no longer have incentive to grow. We recognize that not everyone has access to a high level, 40+ person Clan and that some smaller Clans can sometimes struggle to consistently even do 5v5 or 10v10 Wars, or reach max points in Clan Games. It's definitely a point we'd like to address in the future at some point after we've taken care of the 'clouding' issues.

With regards to Clans, we’re looking at how we can not just improve Clans but also if there are ways to improve systems between Clans. During and after the development of TH12, we've been analyzing Clan behaviors and looking at the difference between smaller and larger Clans. We know many Clans have feeder Clans, allied Clans, etc. Creating a system that bridges these would help support both smaller and larger Clans and still allow those Clans to maintain their own distinct identities.

11. What’s up with the 99 other people in my league?

They’re just trying to live their Clash lives, just like you.

Truth be told, we know that the other players in your league don't really have significant meaning apart from denoting where you stand among 99 other random players. We've been debating the usefulness of this tab, and it's something we may end up removing and replacing with something else in the future. We just haven't decided what we want to be there just yet. This is something on our QoL list that's flagged as a "would like to fix at some point" as it's not too high of a priority at this juncture.

12. Will we ever see those cool blue walls again?

Never say never! During the development of Town Hall 12, we looked at the possibility of reintroducing the blue walls. But sometimes looking backwards isn’t always the direction we want to go. We felt since we were introducing something new to the game, we wanted everything - including the walls - to feel fresh instead of rehashed. However, many of us are fans of those walls so who knows?

13. Is there any consideration going into Builder Base Clan Wars?

We don’t want the Builder Base to follow the same evolutionary path as the Main Village. We designed the Builder Base to have a different play style, but we also recognize that much more can be done apart from just the head-to-head style of play. This year has been largely focused on the Main Village, apart from the introduction of Builder Base 8.

We’ve got some plans for BH9, and we’re currently in the early whiteboard design stages of how we want to evolve the Builder Base further. Our objective is to have the Builder Base continue on its own evolutionary path, separate from the Main Village. But we do want the two bases to remain linked in distinct ways such as the Gear Up upgrades.

14. Is SC satisfied with the 3-star rate at TH10 and TH11 or is it too high or low in their opinion?

Answered in the Q&A video.

15. In Builder Base, why can’t we attack back-to-back?

This is an interesting question we've been asking ourselves lately, but there is an underlying philosophy behind it. Time invested gives a greater sense of accomplishment and achievement. If Builder Base troops could be instantly trained, we didn't want to have that request start making its way over to the Main Village. We wanted there to be a feeling of investment with the Builder Base, but easier and less time consuming than the Main Village.

Plus, your Builder Base villagers need to be doing SOMETHING when you're doing your BB attacks amirite?


15 Mars 2018
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Ça aurait un impact sur l envie de jouer. Si tout est a disposition pourquoi se fatiguer a farm ? D accord ça serait sympas de se donner des objets magiques, mais ou est l intérêt de jouer. Bonne journee


14 Decembre 2015
Breizh Rebels
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Chef adjoint
Cristal I
Les aménagements de qualité : est on obligé d'attendre une mise à jour??.
Est ce que celà ne pourrait il faire l'objet d'un re équilibrage, ce n'est qu'un peu de cosmétique, non?
Bonne journée

Ahoo Mordor

Super génie
20 Decembre 2017
1 012
Fiche du clan
Les aménagements de qualité : est on obligé d'attendre une mise à jour??.
Est ce que celà ne pourrait il faire l'objet d'un re équilibrage, ce n'est qu'un peu de cosmétique, non?
Bonne journée

En informatique, à chaque mise à jour correspond une charge importante due aux tests et déploiements. Pour mettre à disposition les modifications de QoL, il faudra obligatoirement passer par une mise à jour des serveurs et des applications à mettre à disposition sur les stores. Si cette mise à jour est décorrélée de la mise à jour sur les Clan war leagues, cela veut dire qu'il faudra compter 2 fois les charges de test et déploiement, et donc que la mise à jour pour les clan war lagues sera décalée dans le temps.

Donc non. :)
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25 Novembre 2015
Loubard War Team / C
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N'étant pas bilingue, quelqu'un pourrait-il faire un résumé des infos importantes de ce Question/Réponse de Darian svp ;)


Membre du Staff
1 Octobre 2014
Millenium F3
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Chef adjoint

Voici un petit résumé très général de la vidéo:

SC est satisfait du taux de perf en hdv10 et 11 depuis l'arrivé des engins de siège, cela simplifie le gameplay pour que la différence se fasse sur les hdv12. Faire le 100% doit être "challenging mais pas impossible" ;) Le prix et temps de formation des béliers semblent correct vu leur puissance.
Pas de news concernant la "clan war league". Ils ont trouvé une solution aux nuages en légende, qui sera appliqué début 2019, cela passera certainement par une limite du nombre d'attaques par jour en légende (du style, chaque joueur peut attaquer 10-20 fois/jour), un mode 1v1 en Légende comme sur la mdo est exclu. Mdo 9 en début/milieu d'année 2019.

J'ai peut-être oublié quelques choses mais normalement la majorité est là ;)