• 📢 Fermeture du forum – Une page se tourne 📢

    C’est avec regret que je vous annonce la fermeture du forum, qui avait ouvert ses portes le 31 décembre 2012. Après 12 ans d’existence, la diminution de la fréquentation du site me pousse à mettre un terme à cette belle aventure.

    Le site va disparaitre à la fin du mois.

    J’ai eu énormément de plaisir à soutenir cette communauté au fil des années, à échanger avec vous et à voir le forum évoluer grâce à votre passion et votre engagement.

    Un immense merci à toute la communauté, ainsi qu’aux membres du staff, passés et présents, et aux différents partenaires, qui ont contribué à faire vivre cet espace d’échange et de partage.

    🚀 Merci pour ces belles années et à bientôt, ailleurs !


Les dernières infos et rumeurs sur la MAJ de Mai(?) 2017. Toutes les infos en page 1

N'est pas ouverte pour d'autres réponses.


clasheur trappiste
23 Juillet 2015
1 889
1 821
Ok merci mais du coup c'est officiel ?
non, il n'y a rien d'officiel. la seule chose officielle c'est ça:
The One & ONLY Update Thread
Alas... the time has come.

Update Status: Polishing off.
Sneak Peek Radar: Not this week.

Last updated 02/05/17

Hey Chief! We know you’re excited to hear more news about the upcoming update. We’re just as excited to share more with you but we’re not quite ready yet. One thing we can say is that this update will be different from any other update. It will be much bigger and we can’t wait to share it with you!

We appreciate your patience so stay tuned! Clash On!

What we know aboat the update:

  • Not Town Hall 12.
  • No level 13 walls.
  • Its unique from any update, and it's huge.
  • There will be no new hero levels in this update.
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Reactions: Chef aza


19 Avril 2017
Mdr 91 pages pour finalement découvrir que personne ne sait rien lol j en ai mal aux yeux moi qui ai fait l effort de tout lire ! Tout le monde parle d un bateau ....dont personne ne sait l utilité n y sa réelle présence lors de la future maj ...ssssppppeccculationnnnnn....bref du blabla pour presque rien ...
Je préfère au moins quand les gens du forum expriment leurs attentent futures....

En ce qui me concerne j aimerai comme beaucoup un nouveau game play et plus precisciement la possibilité de faire des 1 contre un en live !

Autant je n ai pas accroché à clash royal autant le fait d affronter en live un adversaire derriere son ecran je trouve ça exitant !

J aimerai pouvoir rechercher un adversaire en live facon clash royal ( attaque , defense) avec un village simplifié sur lequel on devrait déployer nos troupes ( 50, 100..) pour attaquer et defendre notre hdv.

Une mise facon poker ( par tranche : 100k or rose 20 k black, 200k or rose 40k black...) ...chacun recherche un adversaire ds la catégorie de mise qu il souhaite , le vainqueur remporte la mise le perdant...rentre chez mémé...


Tu n'as pas du tout lire !

Si tu estimes que ce sont 91 pages de "néant", tu ne devrais perdre ton temps alors.

Mais nous tous, apprecions ta participation et tes idées :3étoiles: :danse:

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Reactions: kurk hammer


30 Avril 2015
Rang de Clan
Aucun clan
Info ou intox, je viens de chopper ça sur le forum supercell (le Bateau apportera ressources ou gems ça sera au choix). Je vous laisse lire

May_2017_Update !!!!



Finally supercell released the sneak peeks of the great massive update (only in some forums).This update was intended to bring the players back who have left the game.Now the sneak peeks are here and this update has much more changes than other updates.


New troop (Elixir): Ice-wizard is back again,but this time permanently.Available in the barrack level 13.There are total 3 levels.Now its time to freeze the defenses with a chill of cryoblast !!

New troop (Dark elixir): Behold of the new Master of Chaos ! This flying mystical being will damage multiple buildings (just like a multi-moded inferno tower) with its dark channel of negative energies.This unit can't be donated as a clan castle reinforcement due to its housing space being 40.It has a massive HP (more than a dragon but less than a lava hound at equilibrium).Moreover,it is said that this troop will be the most expensive among other dark elixir troops.This troop is available in dark barrack level 8 and can be upgraded only upto level 2.

New spell (Elixir) : Now bring back your fallen troops to life once again with the Resurrection spell ! This spell while casted,any troops dying within its radius and time of its effect will be alive again with a certain amount of HP for a limited time.This spell takes 3 spell spaces and has a very large radius (slightly larger than rage spell) but has a very short duration and resurrected troops only last for 15 second.Upgrading the spell will increase the amount of HP of the resurrected troops.This spell is available on spell factory level 6 [Note:Upgrading spell factory to level 6 won't increase spell storage capacity unlike other levels.]

•Wall breaker level 7,Pekka level 6 on the horizon.

•Level 8 archer,barbarian and goblin with massive HP and damage.

•A new air defense is added

•A new seeking air mine and air bomb is added.

•New trap levels (except giant bomb) including spring trap also that can now pop-up 4 troops instantly of housing space 5.

•Air sweeper level 7

•Army camp level 9 (per camp increased troop capacity is 6).

•All walls can now be upgraded to level 12.

•Balloon level 8 and lava hound level 5.

•Freeze spell level 6 and earthquake spell level 5.

•Valkyrie level 6,witch level 4 and wizard level 8.

•Some appearances of Th 11 defenses are changed.

•Dark elixir drill level 7,elixir collector and gold mine level 13.


•New spell (dark) : Now reveal and disarm the enemy's hidden traps with this new Trigger spell ! Having a spell capacity 2,this dark spell is available in the dark spell factory level 5.

•Balloon level 7 and lava hound level 4 is now available on TH 10 !

•Healer level 5

•Witch level 3 is now available.

Healing spell level 7 and rage spell level 6 is now available.

#Other_game_changes :

•Reduced upgrade cost and time for some troops.

•Air bomb now deals 1.5X damage to balloons. 2 air bombs packed together of max level will always kill instantly a group of balloons of max level.

•Giant level 7 & 8 damage and HP increased.

•Witch's damage slighly increased and reduced training cost by 50 dark elixir at every level.

•Goblins no longer target clan castle as their favourite priority.

•War matchmaking improved.


•We all have been waiting for the new changes that are coming in the game.But all changes aren't revealed yet and they will be available in the next sneak peeks.The additions are :

•Clan perks have been added for clan level 11 to 15 including increased member capacity.

•New sleep/defend button for clan castle.While in sleep mode,your cc troops won't defend against an enemy raid but your troops will die if your enemy troops manage to destroy the clan castle.

•Outlying area of the village increased.

•New ship ! This ship will give off resources and gems every 24 hours.The player can choose any one of the resources or gems according to his wish.The amount of resources increase at higher town hall levels.

•Resources from treasury can be donated to a clanmate (not from village resources).However there are some limitations.

•Friendly challenge can now directly be sent to clash friends.

•Your village can now be viewed from 0 drgree to 180 degree.

•6th builder hut is now available for 5000 gems.However,only Th 10 or higher can summon it.

•More 50 single player mission bases (goblin bases) has been added with lots of resources and with dark elixir also.Higher bases contain X-bow,Inferno tower and Eagle artillery.

•You can now give your own made names to your heroes but that won't change the stats of hero.

•New decorations added (national flags) and new languages added.

Hopefully that's all we got.These are obtained from a secret supercell forum and aren't disclosed to public websites and pages.
This is only the first sneak peek and there are more to go ! To get the latest sneak peeks stay tuned with me. dit.....


19 Avril 2017
Comment expliquer que le numéro 1 mondial, a déjà fait 30 attaques? Sinon pour la maj , on verra bien. L'idée d'un gros vivi à attaquer à plusieurs pourrait être sympa

Cest comme ça chaque saison mon brave ami.
Après maintes messages à Supercell via le jeu, j'ai eu droit à toutes les "excuses" possibles et imaginables.
Genre: ils jouent dans le bon fuseau horaire ils savent quand attaquer. Alors que j'étais moi aussi en ligne en train de chercher. En quelques heures les top players avaient 20 attaques à leurs actifs, moi difficilement 8...

Je leur avais même répondu que chez moi aussi les journées avaient 24 heures ! Que j'étais,en ligne aussi ! Mais bon, cest le pot de terre contre le,pot de fer.
Quand Supercell ne sait plus quoi répondre, la réponse typique est: "malheureusement nous ne pouvons rien faire de plus pour vous, blabla"

Il faut quand même que tu saches que les revenus principaux de coc sont générés par les top players.
On ne tue pas la poule aux œufs d'or.

Donc concrètement, tu veux voir ton nom en haut de la liste, va falloir y aller à coup de gems.

Il est vrai qu'il y a des créneaux durant lesquels on peut trouver plus d'attaques en Legend, donc si tu veux monter vite, il te faut gemmer durant ces créneaux, pour faire beaucoup d'attaques. Ensuite te prendre un bouclier pour ne pas te prendre un -30 trophées en défense.

Si tu montes trop vite, la chute n'en sera que plus rude aussi d'après ce que j'ai pu remarqué. Je me.suis,déjà pris des -20 en legend avec 1 seule étoile,en défense, suite à une belle série d'attaques juteuses en trophees.

Supercell est tres loin d'être une société à but lucratif.

Je suis 100% persuadé, qu'une société à la.pointe comme Supercell sait pertinemment ce qu'elle fait.

Quand tu passes 1,2 ou 3 heures pour trouver (ou pas) une attaque en légende, Nous parlons bien d' un jeu en ligne ! cest tout de même hallucinant !!
Mais ça tente forcément le joueur invétéré à gemmer derrière durant la,fenêtre d'attaque...donc $.
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Reactions: che34


19 Avril 2017
Info ou intox, je viens de chopper ça sur le forum supercell (le Bateau apportera ressources ou gems ça sera au choix). Je vous laisse lire

May_2017_Update !!!!



Finally supercell released the sneak peeks of the great massive update (only in some forums).This update was intended to bring the players back who have left the game.Now the sneak peeks are here and this update has much more changes than other updates.


New troop (Elixir): Ice-wizard is back again,but this time permanently.Available in the barrack level 13.There are total 3 levels.Now its time to freeze the defenses with a chill of cryoblast !!

New troop (Dark elixir): Behold of the new Master of Chaos ! This flying mystical being will damage multiple buildings (just like a multi-moded inferno tower) with its dark channel of negative energies.This unit can't be donated as a clan castle reinforcement due to its housing space being 40.It has a massive HP (more than a dragon but less than a lava hound at equilibrium).Moreover,it is said that this troop will be the most expensive among other dark elixir troops.This troop is available in dark barrack level 8 and can be upgraded only upto level 2.

New spell (Elixir) : Now bring back your fallen troops to life once again with the Resurrection spell ! This spell while casted,any troops dying within its radius and time of its effect will be alive again with a certain amount of HP for a limited time.This spell takes 3 spell spaces and has a very large radius (slightly larger than rage spell) but has a very short duration and resurrected troops only last for 15 second.Upgrading the spell will increase the amount of HP of the resurrected troops.This spell is available on spell factory level 6 [Note:Upgrading spell factory to level 6 won't increase spell storage capacity unlike other levels.]

•Wall breaker level 7,Pekka level 6 on the horizon.

•Level 8 archer,barbarian and goblin with massive HP and damage.

•A new air defense is added

•A new seeking air mine and air bomb is added.

•New trap levels (except giant bomb) including spring trap also that can now pop-up 4 troops instantly of housing space 5.

•Air sweeper level 7

•Army camp level 9 (per camp increased troop capacity is 6).

•All walls can now be upgraded to level 12.

•Balloon level 8 and lava hound level 5.

•Freeze spell level 6 and earthquake spell level 5.

•Valkyrie level 6,witch level 4 and wizard level 8.

•Some appearances of Th 11 defenses are changed.

•Dark elixir drill level 7,elixir collector and gold mine level 13.


•New spell (dark) : Now reveal and disarm the enemy's hidden traps with this new Trigger spell ! Having a spell capacity 2,this dark spell is available in the dark spell factory level 5.

•Balloon level 7 and lava hound level 4 is now available on TH 10 !

•Healer level 5

•Witch level 3 is now available.

Healing spell level 7 and rage spell level 6 is now available.

#Other_game_changes :

•Reduced upgrade cost and time for some troops.

•Air bomb now deals 1.5X damage to balloons. 2 air bombs packed together of max level will always kill instantly a group of balloons of max level.

•Giant level 7 & 8 damage and HP increased.

•Witch's damage slighly increased and reduced training cost by 50 dark elixir at every level.

•Goblins no longer target clan castle as their favourite priority.

•War matchmaking improved.


•We all have been waiting for the new changes that are coming in the game.But all changes aren't revealed yet and they will be available in the next sneak peeks.The additions are :

•Clan perks have been added for clan level 11 to 15 including increased member capacity.

•New sleep/defend button for clan castle.While in sleep mode,your cc troops won't defend against an enemy raid but your troops will die if your enemy troops manage to destroy the clan castle.

•Outlying area of the village increased.

•New ship ! This ship will give off resources and gems every 24 hours.The player can choose any one of the resources or gems according to his wish.The amount of resources increase at higher town hall levels.

•Resources from treasury can be donated to a clanmate (not from village resources).However there are some limitations.

•Friendly challenge can now directly be sent to clash friends.

•Your village can now be viewed from 0 drgree to 180 degree.

•6th builder hut is now available for 5000 gems.However,only Th 10 or higher can summon it.

•More 50 single player mission bases (goblin bases) has been added with lots of resources and with dark elixir also.Higher bases contain X-bow,Inferno tower and Eagle artillery.

•You can now give your own made names to your heroes but that won't change the stats of hero.

•New decorations added (national flags) and new languages added.

Hopefully that's all we got.These are obtained from a secret supercell forum and aren't disclosed to public websites and pages.
This is only the first sneak peek and there are more to go ! To get the latest sneak peeks stay tuned with me. dit.....
Tout à l'air cohérent bien réfléchi et dans le style de Supercell.Ce serait le top si ils sortaient une maj comme ça.Par contre je suis sceptique quant aux loons 7 accessibles hdv 10 et aux loons 8.Mais j'y crois fermement à cette «maj secrète».
N'est pas ouverte pour d'autres réponses.